Anarchy for Beginners ... A Primer for the Inevitable

Mail Bag

Haven't blogged in's some of my emails, just to kiss my ego:


Message from: Erick C.:

This story has me conflicted. I did not like thefirst chapters where "Dare" was steamrolledinto the bitch mode. However, as the storycontinued to develop and you allowed me to"suspend disbelief" and accept the concept of amixed spirit, it became easier to read and toidentify with the characters.

To me this marks the efforts of a great writter.

Thanks for sharing on SOL.

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Emailed through StoriesOnline's Mailing System

Message from: Richard:

While this story is not normally the subjectmatter that I would be interested in, the way youdeveloped the characters or should I say characterkept me interested enough that I wanted to seejust how and where it was going.

So thanks for a story that was interesting andkept me wanting to know more. The mark of a goodwriter.

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Message from: Dale F.:

I have just finished reading Dare,

It was one of the most moving stories I think Ihave ever read. Some would call me sick but theanimal sex to me was so moving I could not put itdown. The story its self was very moving It almostlet me see things as thay unfolded in my mind. AllI ask it for you to post part 2 as soon as you canand keep up the good work on the other story linesyou have in mind.

A thankful reader

Emailed through StoriesOnline's Mailing System

========Sorority girl

Message from: Bob:

You are amazing.

That was one of the most original stories I haveever read.
What a mind you have.

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======= Mother's little helper

Anonymous to me show details Mar 1

These two stories are scary good. Keep up thegood (and scary) work.


Message from: Saloni:

this story is still better than your!!

i must 'relieve' myself while i read this lastchapter. no woman can resist the


Message from: cuckoldhubby:

WOW!! My wife and I both get so turned on readingyour stories. We have been into family fun for along time and always love a good story to keep uson edge. Keep up the good work!!!

============25 pairs

Message from: philip:

25 Pairs gripped me till the very end... When Iread her fianl letter I could not help but breakdown and cry and cry.


Message from: oldsofty:


I presume you know what you have here. Anhonest-to-God Sci Fi thriller. Eat your heart out,Michael Crichton.

And it started off so innocently, too. Jen andAmy and Josh were going to perform in one of thosesweet transgender tales you do so well. When Ifinally noticed the creepy music, it was too late,and I was hooked.

The ending? Logically unnecessary, and openedmore plot holes than it closed, but who noticed atthe time when it was dramatically so right?

Your wide-ranging talents continue to astound me.

Old Softy


Anonymous to me show details 8/5/08

I recently started reading some of your storiesand I must admit, they are nice. As of rightnow, I have currently read 14 of your stories,and have liked them all. I would just like tosay, thank you for the good stories.


Dear Rachael,
I finished your chronicle of Sam last night and I just had to write you before I start to read 1.5. Please let me introduce myself first, though. My name is Keith and I'm 59 although most people think I'm around 39- or so they tell me. I have been reading pedo-type stories for about 15 years now and enjoying nonnude Lolita sites for longer than that. I joined Mr Double about a year ago and I discovered a few years before that. I have to say that your Sam story is one of my most emotional experiences to date.

I chuckled and laughed, I sighed and I cried. Most of all I was impressed. I know nothing about you, Rachael, and I have to admit I don't recall anything else of yours I may have read before. I'm going to look that up. This genre attracts some perfectly awful authors (I use that term loosely in this case) and also some very gifted ones. You, for example. I appreciate the effort of those guys who apparently skipped all their English classes but, well, better is just better.

I loved "spending" those five days with the smart and sensitive Samantha *oops* Sam, the clueless but normal Josh, the self-assured Monica, the delicate and sweet Angie, Hot, hot Jody and the not-quite-grown-up, funny Kurt. I could go on and on about what made me laugh out loud {'vapid', 'feign', 'lucky guess', ect} but what got me was the last paragraph. I wept. No lie. The whole breakup with Angie really got to me- but that was one of the best paragraphs I have ever read.

Anyway, I have a new word in my vocabulary, "sproing"!

Thanks so much, now on to 1.5!
Love ya, Keith


I don't read all your stuff, but I want to thank you for being one of the fe writers that hasn't turned asstr into a total wasteland of twottle!

I've read asstr since 1996, and it's quite frankly gone to shit!

I havn't read your latest stuff that you just posted since I have an ear infection and am tired as fuck, but thought I'd say a thank you for not going to the level that other frequent posters have achieved.

warmest regards,

And that's some of my email and why I have such a big head that I can't ride elevators.