That's pretty funny. Someone emailed me the other day, yesterday in fact, before I turned off anonymous feedback, and said my blogs suck. He ignores them completely as irrelevant and a waste of time. Maybe he's the same guy who emailed Bradley Stoke, I dunno. I'd like to see that email, maybe it's not too late to change my evil ways. I get a lot of hate mail so it's hard to keep track.
My big question is if I'm so completely boring to someone, why does he feel the overwhelming compulsion to tell me about it? I'm presuming that the other 50,000 people who didn't email me have more sense than that. But that is a lot of presuming!!
Here's my opinion on my blog. Not your blog, because everyone has their own purpose and requirements and I don't know what they are. But I do know mine.
My blog is here first of all to give me a place to say whatever I feel like saying. Not to inform anyone. Not to validate myself or my decisions. Not to announce news or details about my life or writing. It's a big closet into which I can shout at the top of my lungs.
Once you understand that, it all becomes much clearer, doesn't it?
I have no overwhelming desire to explain myself or my stories. I do it largely out of habit, but even so that is so much work and how many people really care what the subtext was in Reasons Until After? I mean, if I have to explain it to a reader, well, that reader shouldn't be reading me, probably. I'm much happier with the people who "get" me right off the bat, as our most of us, I'm sure.
On the other hand, and I have three of them, I usually do try to make a valid point someplae in my ranting. Whether it's expressed clearly or not is another issue altogether. The only time I go into concise, ultra-wordsmith mode is when I get pissed. I sound like a professor when I get angry and I'd much rather sound like a spoiled 9 year old.
My blog is meant for entertainment purposes only. They're cartoons without the stupid thought bubbles and muffin feet. Caricatures of social discourse which should arouse anything but apathy or I haven't done my job. Of course part of that responsibility rests squarely on the shoulders of the reader as well and unfortunately some people are just born apathetic. Like some people are contrarians and others can only pose negative reasons to any given solution. It's in their blood and I have a hunch such people are only rarely happy, which is too bad. Happiness is severely underrated in my opinion.
Writing this makes me happy, regardless of feedback and minority opinion. It cheers me up. For that reason, and since no animals are hurt in the production of my blog, I think no one should really be complaining about it. Not even you! Complaining about an SOL blog entry is like complaining because someone in China is flying a kite. You can't even see it unless you make the effort personally...Wow! That's the worst analogy I've made all week! But you know what? It's making me giggle.
That's what my blog is for.