Anarchy for Beginners ... A Primer for the Inevitable

I Love My Dog


I posted my handy guide to dog sex. It isn't a story, it's non-fiction and it's been used on various and sundry sites in different forms. It probably needs another rewrite soon. There's supposed to be an associated FAQ but I'm always so lazy with that stuff. It's hard to write the stuff you know, ever notice that? It becomes like work, which is why I keep away from certain topics and write sparingly about others. I mean, if I can walk into my bedroom and let my dog fuck me...Why do I want to write about it? I can write about something totally outside my experience and be thoroughly entertained. The need is a little different.

But I digress. This "story" which it is not, is just for information, although I hope some of it will be entertaining as well. I'd certainly invite anyone who is active and wants to add something, or discuss any aspect of the subject or the guide, to drop me a line. I've always been active and open and if you don't know I could often be found on irc sitting in #dogsex answering questions. I moderated there for a while and that was pretty great.

I turned off the voting. I could see no point for it and the idea of getting votes for appeal or plot on an article so clearly labeled? heh. It really is intended for a very small audience and that's about it.
