I've killed bout everything else, mighta as well do this too...
I just saw something funny as hell in the "Blog Updates" ...
Mr. Cock posted Comming Soon
That's a story right there!
Let's talk scores just because I can. I mentioned this on the SOL group forum, that I wish there was a way to filter scores down to something more specific than EVERYTHING you know what I mean? Like comparing (and even generating) scores for stories that bear more resemblance to each other than a 26 letter alphabet.
Comparing a short Femdom piece with small readership that posts on a single date and is finished...How does that compare to a story that is a fantasy romance, running for a year or more with an exceptionally large fanbase? There's no reasonable comparison to be made and I have a hard time finding a real purpose behind scores except to give readers a toy they expect and author's something to ignore or cry or gloat over as they desire. I see a lot of crying in the blogs. Gosh...I wish I owned a Kleenix factory.
So scores are supposed to reflect reader opinion and relative quality, I guess and I'm not gonna rant or bitch, I'm just pointing out that some comparisons don't work. I don't have a solution or anything like that. I'm not even exactly sure how to define the problem as I see it.
I just really want to like scores. I want to find some value there and scoring low or high or in between, I can deal with opinion. I've been here awhile, but scores would mean more and be much more useful and relevant if the criteria was more focused, or the qualifications of stories being rated were much more similar. Like short stories seperated from novels, that would help in a lot of ways, I would think. It's two different things, different styles and methods and ways of a telling a story.
Anyway, I'm just meandering my thoughts out here.
Killing time while I wait for my ride.